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Why Proactive?
"One of the reasons I love it is because it's really simple to use. My clients tend to be small business owners and entrepreneurs.
They haven't got big complicated sales teams. They haven't grown-up in an atmosphere of sales, and they haven't got time to learn
something complicated. So Proactive is perfect for them."
Janet Efere, Sales Trainer
Watch Janet's testimonial video
Learn a simple daily method that will massively improve your focus.
Reduce overwhelm and get organised - collect all your contact data together.
Simple sales tools that will help you find opportunities and keep on top of sales leads.
Proactive contains many useful tools to help you get focus and grown your business. Plus, it's very simple to use.
Start your free 30 day trial now! Just complete the simple form and check your email account for the login information. Remember - you can concel at any time, without any obligation.
"The secret to achieving true success in business is in focusing on the specific things that result in sales and
revenue generation. Proactive truly is a business owners 'greatest tool in the tool-box’ because it focuses the mind
each and every day on the rituals that result in achieving success in business."
John Kettley
Watch John's testimonial video